Goa celebrates State Consumer Rights Day on 25′ June. This year the State Consumer Rights Day will be celebrated by Department of Legal Metrology under the flagship of Swayampurna Goa 2.0 and in collaboration with District Rural Development Agency, Directorate of Planning and Statistics and Directorate of Food & Drugs Administration at Ravindra Bhavan Sankhlim.
Legal Metrology Department of Goa is proactive in the state with respect to consumer awareness by registering many consumer clubs at educational institutions and conducting state wide drives for students, start ups and Self Help Groups.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa/Hon’ble Minister for Legal Metrology has always been concerned about micro women entrepreneurs and constantly helps them by way of bringing Government schemes and benefits to their doorstep under the flagship of Swayampurna Goa.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa under Swayampurna Goa 2.0 has allotted a budget of Rs 12 Cr to promote SHGs and inculcate entrepreneurship amongst women.
During his virtual address on 15th June he expressed his will to celebrate Goa State Consumer Rights in a grand manner. The Department of Legal Metrology has organised a camp to issue Packer Registration for micro women entrepreneurs of SHGs and also to give them basic knowledge of packing, branding and marketing. The department is also associating with the Directorate of Food & Drugs Administration to issue FSSAI registration and Licence on the same day.
This camp will be held on 25″ June 2024 at Ravindra Bhavan Sankhlim from 9:00 a.m onwards.
The Department of Legal Metrology appeals to all Micro women entrepreneurs of SHGs to participate in large numbers and take the benefits of this Packers registration camp & FSSAI drive.